Rachel Crow Ain’t Got Shit On These North Koreans

December 19, 2011 / Posted by:

As you already know, Kim Jong Kardashian died while fighting a USA-made Godzilla robot on the North Korea border over the weekend and the entire country took to the streets to publicly melt down over the loss of their leader. I really haven’t seen a dramatic, open-mouthed, tumbling of raw emotions like this since Nicole Shitsinger killed Rachel Crow’s dreams on The X-Factor. This is what it looks like at the Scientology Center when the men’s wet sauna is temporarily closed for maintenance (aka jizz balls caught in drain again). This is also what the Dlisted comment section looks like when I slobber out another post about Mah Boo Anderson Cooper.

Since the crazy is all these people have known their entire lives, this seems pretty authentic to me, which is a whole new level of scary. But because this aired on North Korean State Television (aka Asia’s version of TLC), some people are saying this wailing flash mob was staged. If it was staged and these North Koreans are acting, then we need to send every Kuntrashian over there to learn from these masters how to properly bust out a fake dramatic cunt meltdown. Or just send the Kuntrashians anyway.

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